SpiderWire Dura-4 Braid Line

Brand: SpiderWire
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SpiderWire Dura-4 Braid Line


Spiderwire® Dura-4 Braid is a classic 4 carrier braid and is an unmatched value in high tech superlines. Dura-4 Braid is super smooth and makes long & effortless casts possible. As with all Spiderwire® braids, Dura-4 is super thin, super strong, and super sensitive, without being...

Spiderwire® Dura-4 Braid is a classic 4 carrier braid and is an unmatched value in high tech superlines. Dura-4 Braid is super smooth and makes long & effortless casts possible. As with all Spiderwire® braids, Dura-4 is super thin, super strong, and super sensitive, without being super expensive. Available in Low-Vis Green, Hi-Vis Yellow and Translucent.

  • Four carrier construction
  • No stretch
  • Very strong on diameter
  • Durable
  • PE Fibers
Code Diameter Strength
1450395 0.10mm 9.1kg
1450396 0.12mm 10.5kg
1450397 0.14mm 11.8kg
1450398 0.17mm 15.0kg
1450399 0.20mm 17.0lg
1450400 0.25mm 23.2kg

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